About me

I grew up in London for most of my life, and moved to Germany to study when I turned 18. Since finishing my degree in Leipzig, I've fled city-life and have been travelling to explore different kinds of communities around the world. My dream is to found a community of my own, distilled with all the impressions of all of the communities I have taken part in creating.

Personally, I like to make music, cook, travel, and write about how my perception of the world is changing. I'm a part of the regenerative movement, and I'm writing about regeneration as an antidote to weltschmerz.
(A German word that translates to 'world pain'.)

Professionally, I'm a full-stack developer with a B.Sc degree in the digital humanities.
I build things minimally with simplicity that make a bold impression.
I'm passionate about web development, and building offline as-well-as online communities. I'm currently working a lot with React, NextJS, and SvelteKit. I'm interested in AI, data visualisation, and 3D web-design.

Let's connect.